Karen Lewellen -
About G.A.F. Entertainment Services
As with so much of what I do, my work in nonprofit development began as an extension of my music making with my doing shows for agencies like the United Way, Special Olympics and the Muscular Dystrophy Association. My radio work started a whole new chapter of grant writing for various radio programs and I began to be asked if I would lend a hand with nonprofit start-up projects, creating them from the ground up.
The result became the consulting arm of G.A.F. Entertainment. Today I help individuals and groups breathe live and success into their nonprofit goals, whether as basic as navigating the IRS 501,c[3] certification process, as personal as grant research and writing or as elaborate as a fund raising gala event. And of course, I ensure those successes get quality print and broadcast publicity. For more information about securing me for your special project, just get in touch with me through this site. Here is a list of just a few of my consulting clients:
 Karen Lewellen - Services